Category:Missouri Fur Company

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Some confusion exists over the naming of the forts created by Manuel Lisa and his company, exact locations are unknown for some of them and this has led to further confusion. The forts and their locations are detailed below:

Manuel Lisa's Fur Trading Posts
Primary Name Dates State Location AKA Names
Fort Manuel (1) 1812-1813 South Dakota Under Lake Oahe
  • None
Cedar Island Post 1811-18?? South Dakota Under Lake Francis Case
  • None
Fort Manuel Lisa (1) 1809-1813 North Dakota Under Garrison Dam project
Fort Raymond (1) 1810-1811 Montana
Fort Henry (1) 1810-1811 Montana 3 Forks
Fort Lisa (3) 1809, 1812-1823 Nebraska
Fort Henry (2) 1810-1811 Idaho Henry's fork of the Snake River
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