Battery 116
Battery 116 (1944-1948) - Battery 116 was a reinforced concrete, World War II 16 inch coastal gun battery on Highlands Military Reservation, Monmouth County, New Jersey. The battery was named Battery Isaac N. Lewis in G.O. 49, 1 Oct 1942, after Colonel Isaac N. Lewis (Cullum 3031), inventor of the lightweight Lewis aircraft machine gun, who died 9 Nov 1931. Battery construction started on 1 Jun 1942, was completed on 26 Jun 1943 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 16 Feb 1944 at a cost of $ 1,552,492.63. Deactivated in 1948. Also known as Battery Lewis. World War IIPart of the Harbor Defense of Southern New York. Designed to protect shipping and the Atlantic approaches to New York Harbor. Originally built as a World War II concrete coastal gun battery with two casemated 16" MarkII-M1 guns mounted on M4 Barbette carriages.
Current StatusPart of Hartshorne Woods Park, Middletown, New Jersey. No period guns or mounts in place. The casemates are visible and you can walk through them but the internal rooms of the battery have no public access.
Recent Blog Posts: Sources: Links: Visited: 13 Aug 2010