Fort Magruder (2)
Fort Magruder (2) (1863-1865) - A Confederate fort established in 1863 during the U.S. Civil War by engineer Major Julius Kellersberger on Galveston Island in Galveston County, Texas. Abandoned in 1865. HistoryFort Magruder was an earthworks fortification constructed on the gulf side of Galveston Island at the north end of the island. The fortification was built of sod covered sand and mounted three 10" Columbiads and two 9" Dahlgren guns removed from the captured Union vessel Harriet Lane. In the April 1863 engineering report of Confederate Colonel Valery Sulakowski detailed the work on Fort Magruder: "Fort Magruder–heavy open battery - The front embankment, traverses, platforms, and magazines were completed during this month; two 10-inch columbiads mounted. The Harriet Lane guns are not mounted, for want of suitable carriages, which are under construction. Bomb-proofs and embankment in the rear commenced and the front embankment sodded inside, top and slope. With the present force it will require nearly the whole of this month to complete it." The fort was abandoned as the war ended in 1865. Current StatusNo remains. The north end of Galveston Island is now very different from the north end of the island in 1863 so the map point is approximate.
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