Selma Arsenal

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Selma Arsenal (1862-1865) - A Confederate arsenal established in 1862 during the U.S. Civil War in Selma, Dallas County, Alabama. Captured and destroyed by Union forces under General James H. Wilson (Cullum 1852) in 1865. Also known as Selma Arsenal and Gun Works.

Selma Arsenal Left Plaque.
Selma Arsenal Right Plaque.
Present Day Entrance to Arsenal Place, Site of the Destroyed Selma Arsenal.

Selma Arsenal History

The Selma Arsenal was a part of an industrial complex that supplied the Confederacy with arms, ammunition and supplies in Selma, Alabama. The complex occupied about 50 acres and employed some 6,000 to 10,000 workers. The arsenal was relocated from the captured Federal Mount Vernon Arsenal near Mobile, Alabama.

Selma Arsenal produced large numbers of heavy artillery shells and some 102 Brooke guns, 20 6-pounders, 12 30-pounder Parrott rifles and 19 Coehorn mortars. The 7 inch Brooke guns alone required some 7 tons of melted iron.

The arsenal and the entire complex was captured on 2 Apr 1865 by Union General James Harrison Wilson's cavalry raiders in the battle of Selma. Wilson destroyed 15 siege guns, 10 heavy carriages, 10 field pieces, 10 caissons, 63,000 rounds of artillery ammunition, three million feet of lumber, and 10,000 bushels of coal in the arsenal alone in the week following the battle. By the time Wilson departed the whole complex was destroyed.

Current Status

Selma Army Arsenal Marker
Civil War Defenses of Selma Showing the Location of Selma Arsenal

No remains of the arsenal, only markers and plaques at the site in Selma, Dallas County, Alabama.

Location: Arsenal Place, Selma, Dallas County, Alabama.

Maps & Images

Lat: 32.40544 Long: -87.02253

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  • Elevation: .....'

See Also:



Visited: 19 Apr 2016

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